A tiny browser extension that saves and syncs your favorite website links across multiple browsers and accounts.


With Stash, you can finally stop wasting time sending yourself links via email like a caveman. It's like having a personal assistant who remembers all your favorite websites, even if you're using a different browser or computer. And let's be honest, who doesn't want a personal assistant? Plus, using Stash will make you feel like a tech-savvy wizard who can effortlessly manage their favorite links like a boss. So go ahead and make your browsing experience more delightful than a box full of puppies. Kidding, a box of puppies wins every time.




Stash was built to solve a simple problem - the agony of logging in to different computers and/or browsers using different accounts (Google, Microsoft, iCloud, etc.) and sometimes with different operating systems (macOS, Windows, Ubuntu, etc.). Stash comes to the rescue, so you can have your favorite links with you wherever you go, without needing to lock you in a single account. It's like having a secret hiding spot for your favorite websites - you know, like that one time you hid your Halloween candy in the sock drawer. But don't worry, Stash is much more secure than that. Plus, you can add stuff to your stash fast, without having to decide what category or folder a link should go to. Because who has time for that? Stash: the solution to your link-hoarding problems.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/939f00e0-a645-4b02-9ff6-100b08ab4555/chrome-store-icon.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/939f00e0-a645-4b02-9ff6-100b08ab4555/chrome-store-icon.png" width="40px" /> Download Now


Shortcut Keys

Quickly add a website to your stash using this handy key shortcut.

(For Windows user: Shift + Alt + S)

(For Windows user: Shift + Alt + S)

Opening Stash dropdown dialog : Shift + Option + O


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Making Your Github Access Token

Stash uses your github account to stash your encrypted data.

  1. Log into your Github account. If you don’t have one yet, sign up here… its free!